Cinematica tridimensionale (EN)

Carlo Pecoraro

Tridimentional Kinematics

The kinematics is that branch of physics that describes the objects motion, without looking for its causes. The given definition of kinematics as “the movement’s geometry” is relevant, in fact
the kinematics of a point in the space can be located in the four dimensions definite by the three spatial coordinates and the temporal one.
The observer utilizes the Cartesian axes to set spatially his bservation of the movement, furthermore he measures the time by setting the “0 moment” in the instant that he believes to be the most relevant.
The existential pictorial research moves tridimentionally, height for high for time, the last one being placed in any side of the memory or the emotional imagination. All the positions in the space are quivalent. There is not a privileged position in the space or in time from which to
determinate the right position and the starting point of time passing.

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